Friday, December 25, 2009

Wish You Merry Christmas & Prosperous New Year.

Dear Friend

Wish You Merry Christmas & Prosperous New Year.

Where did the year go?

It's December...... and we realize that with giant strides we started in January and within a blink of an eye, 2009 is on its’ back!
A big
"Thank You" to each and every one of you, for the impact you had on my life this year. Especially for all the support, telephone calls, sms’s, and e-mails I received (not forgetting those shoulders when I needed it), the happy moments to smile about and the sad ones to cry about, .......
Without you, I'm sure that 2009 would have been extremely boring.

From my side I wish you all a
MAGICAL FESTIVE SEASON filled with Loving Wishes and Beautiful Thoughts.

May 2010 mark the beginning of a Tidal Wave of Love, Happiness and Bright Futures.
To those who need money, may your finances overflow

To those who need caring, may you find a good heart

To those who need friends, may you meet lovely people

To those who need life, may you find GOD.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Tree... for all Malaysian

Hello... it is been so long since I posted something here. I almost forgot my blog password??? Funny haa...? For all Malaysian... I got Christmas Tree for you...


I would
like to put
up a tree in my
heart, and instead
of hanging presents,
I would like to put the
names of all my friends.
Close friends and not so close
friends. The old friends, the new
friends. Those that I see every day
and the ones that I rarely see. The ones
that I always remember and the ones that
I sometimes forget. The ones that are always
there and the ones that seldom are. The friends of
difficult times and the ones of happy times. Friends
who, without meaning to, I have hurt, or without meaning
to have hurt me. Those that I know well and those I only know
by name. Those that owe me little and those that I owe so much.
My humble friends and my important friends. The names of all those
that have passed through my life no matter how fleetingly. A tree with
very deep roots and very long
and strong branches so that
their names may never be
plucked from my heart. So
that new names from all
over may join the existing ones. A tree with a very
pleasant shade so that our friendship may take a
moment of rest from the battles of life. "May the
happy moments of Xmas brighten every day of
the new year". These are my sincere wishes.